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Cloud computing: What Is It?

Cloud computing is the buzzword in many businesses and operations but do you know what exactly is it?

“Different services are delivered via the Internet through cloud computing. These tools and programs comprise software, servers, databases, networking, and data storage, among other things.”

Cloud-based storage enables you to save files to a remote database rather than a proprietary hard disk or local storage device. An electronic gadget has access to the data and the software applications needed to run it as long as it has internet access.

For a variety of reasons, including cost savings, enhanced productivity, speed and efficiency, performance, and security, cloud computing is a popular choice for both individuals and corporations.

  • The distribution of various services, such as data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software, through the Internet is known as cloud computing.

  • Cloud storage has become more and more popular among people who need more storage space and among companies looking for a reliable off-site data backup option.

  • Files can be saved to a distant database and then quickly retrieved using cloud-based storage.

  • Public and private services can both be provided online for a price, while private services are housed on a network and are only available to certain clients.

  • The area of cloud security in IT has grown in importance.


Because the information being accessed is located remotely in the cloud or another virtual environment, cloud computing has earned its moniker. Users can store files and apps on faraway servers and then access the data via the Internet thanks to businesses that offer cloud services. This enables the user to access it remotely since they are not obliged to be in a specific location to do so.


Regardless of the kind of service, cloud computing services provide users with a series of functions including:

  • Email

  • Storage, backup, and data retrieval

  • Creating and testing apps

  • Analyzing data

  • Audio and video streaming

  • Delivering software on demand


Like a chip or a phone, cloud computing is not a standalone piece of technology. Instead, it is a system made up largely of three services: platform-as-a-service (PaaS), infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) .

A software program is licensed to clients as part of the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. Usually, licenses are made available on-demand or on a pay-as-you-go arrangement. Microsoft Office 365 contains a mechanism like this.

IaaS is a technique for supplying anything through IP-based connectivity as part of an on-demand service, including operating systems, servers, and storage. Clients can obtain software and servers through an on-demand, outsourced service rather of having to buy them outright. IaaS systems like IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure are well-known examples.

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